Monday, October 30, 2023

PINK out!

 Neon was the theme and they nailed it!

It was the last pep rally and the Screaming Eagles got to come so it made for a loud and neon time! :)

HUGE win against White Plains too to start off our weekend!

Lily's up there somewhere screaming like crazy!

And was dark! The cheerleaders did a great routine and loved seeing Alexis in the air!
Spotted this crew going back to school when I was leaving!

Then this crew was with me way before the game started since we have to be there so early for Alexis!

There is our cheerleader!

Out there living her best life!

It was youth night so there were a TON of little cheerleaders and dancers!
This one mini cheerleader was so excited to cheer by Lex! :)

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