Saturday, October 14, 2023

NYC-Part 2 of Part 2!

 To finish off our trip, we headed down to more shopping and then to the Ghost Buster's fire station! It was so neat and super cool that it is still a working fire station! It was neat to see where the movie was filmed and be in the streets of the move. We did all of that before heading to dinner at Bubby's that was such a fun vibe and my salmon and brussels sprouts still are hitting the spot (in my mind) before heading to the coolest haunted house in NYC! Blood Manor (NYC's premier haunted attraction) did not disappoint! 

Harry Potter store and Butter Beer for the win! I have never had it and it was just like the Johnson's said. It was delicious and tasted like a butterscotch candy! The white part was sticky. A drink I have never had before that's for sure!

Things to note:

1. We walked approx 50 miles TOTAL.....yep 50!! In both Washington and NYC!

2. We took literally every form of transportation on our trip! From planes, trains, automobiles, boats/ferries..............subways, name it! We did it!

3. We are pros at how to navigate it the our trip is over! ha! :)

So neat! Ghostbusters!

Some of the guys actually worked during 9/11. So surreal! 

Dinner time! Bubby's for the big win!

Nick and Alexis really bonded on this trip....and Lily too! It was sweet!

And...drum roll.....

We saw where Taylor Swift....

the Taylor Swift lives! YEP!

We didnt get to see her but it was super cool to be there when her movie debut out in theaters on the same day! So neat!

Alexis had gotten this book earlier in the day since we were going to see where she lived in hopes that she would sign it if she was there! I know she was in NYC the week before but knowing her...she was in France now! ha!

And to cap off the night..........THIS!

Since the night was still young and we were close...we took a walk to see the 9/11 at night. Just amazing!

And................just like that..........

our trip came to an end. We had such a great trip and a great time with Tammy and Nick too. We wondered how it would be traveling with two extra people that we had never traveled with before but it was great! It was good to have them to help with navigating and just with the experience! 

We took the trek on the subway and bus to the airport to ensure we were there 4 hours before, just in case, and said goodbye to our trip!

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