Saturday, October 14, 2023

Here we go! Washington DC part 1!

 We were up and out and off on our way to ATL at 5:30am to make our flight to Washington DC! We ended up not making our flight due to the extreme long lines through security but no fear, we adjusted, made the next flight and had enough time to eat at PF Changs (which made Lily's year!) and hang out for a bit and then we made it to DC!

DC is beautiful! I mean the architecture and the landscaping! Just beautiful! 

Union Station was just gorgeous once we got off the metro! We made our way to our AIRBNB and then decided to take a walk around and soak it all in and eat dinner! We found a great little pub and ate and then went back to have an early night since we had plans to an early morning!

These kids were ready to fly! It was Nick's first time...................for pretty much everything we did so it was so neat to see it through his eyes and his excitement! First time to fly for him!

They passed the time by playing Uno and hangman! :) two.....on a trip! What was funny was a guy on the Subway in NYC said....'Oh you work together and still want to travel together?!' we just laughed! ha! :)

We took the Metro! It was a breeze and CHEAP! :) It was amazing that it was underground and sooo beautiful! I was just so impressed! (And we all were once we went to NYC and we werent at the Metro anymore....but the Subway....we missed the Metro very much!) :)

Once we left Union Station Metro............our view! The Capitol! YEP...we stayed a couple of blocks from the Capitol! :)

Isnt it beautiful where we stayed! We were on the lower level!

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