Friday, November 9, 2012

Adjusting to the Darkness

This has been the first week of the time change. I can say....I HATE this time change! I do not like it getting darker so early! It makes me feel like I have no day since I work all day! And...the coldness...uuggghhh....oohhh....spring and summer can never get here fast enough! Lily has had a tough week adjusting. Meltdown City started before the time change around 6:30..6:45 to go to sleep. This week it has been 5:30..5:45! Her little body just hasnt adjusted to the change yet! Fingers crossed next week will be better!
This week wasnt very eventful. Alexis went to Awanas Wednesday night and said this week's Bible verse. She collected enough stickers from previous Bible verses she has quoted, to get her first patch for her vest! She was so excited, and I am so proud of her! Every night before bed and before Daddy reads her a story, we have been looking up that week's verse and talking about it. I love this time with her!
I took Lily to see the pulmonary specialist in Birmingham on Thursday. Dr. Houser diagnosed her with asthma and acid reflux. We have been given a good bit of medicine and an inhaler to do on her. I am praying this will help her congestion and wheezing!
This past Tuesday was Voting day! Obama is still our President. Not so happy about this decision, but it is great to know that America gets the chance to make the vote to determine who will be President. I hope and pray that this next 4 years he has shows much improvement for America, because we need it! Alexis was soooo funny! She really doesnt understand the whole voting for a new President thing, but she was so curious none the less! Instead of asking someone if they voted...she kept asking "Did you go bowling?" it cracked me up! I would tell her is Voting...with a V...and she would still say bowling! And...if you didnt have your sticker on to show that you voted, she would make you get it and put it on! :)
Looking forward to the weekend! (As always!!) We are doing the dreaded picture taking experience! Tyler and I do not like taking pictures...trying to get the girls to sit at the camera..and so on and so on....but Tyler always does such a great job and I treasure all the good ones that turn out! We are going to take some Fall pictures in our yard and then go have "cupcakes with Santa"!!!!!  stay tuned for a post on all of that!! :)

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