Saturday, November 10, 2012

November babies!

I dont know if I have mentioned how much I LOVE Fall, but oh I do! Our yard this year is c.o.v.e.r.e.d. with beautiful, different color leaves! It is so pretty! (Even though it is a pain to rake them all up! ;) ) Today was a perfect Fall day. Blue skies....70 degree weather, it just could not get any better to go outside and play in the leaves!
 Tyler made such cute pictures of the girls! We took some "Christmas" pictures outside also so I can get started on making our Christmas cards! After we got finished taking pictures, we headed to Jacksonville High School to see Santa. The girls were not so thrilled to see him, but at least this year there were no tears!
 Alexis told Santa she wanted a Barbie Doll and a Pony. He asked her if she wanted a real one or a "my little pony"? She clarified to him that she would like a "my little pony"! (I think Santa can handle that request a little better than a real pony!!)
After we finished with Santa, we were all ready to relax at home! We attempted to watch the Auburn vs Georgia game......but it was just too sad to watch, so we just watched a movie instead...even though Alabama loosing helped with the sadness! :) Despite the AU game, today was a perfect day!

Here are some of the great pictures!
 Just look at this sweet baby! I just love her SO much! Her hair just makes me smile!!

This smile just makes me smile too!

Little miss model! :)

Lily was having a HOOT of a time!........oh I know...I crack myself up! :)

And here they are with Santa! Can you tell they both are just so excited to see him!? We will be going sometime soon to hopefully get a better picture with Santa...and a more "real" looking Santa too!!

And here is a sneak peek of our Christmas pictures! I am sooo excited about our Christmas card!

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