Monday, November 19, 2012

What do you do, oh what to do?...

This thing called Parenting can be sooo hard sometimes! I have never been so worried or prayed so much for two little beings like I do for my girls daily! I want nothing more than to just wrap them in a bubble and keep them in it forever to keep the bad influences of the world away from them. But, as the real world comes into play, I cant do that.
I want nothing more than my girls to grow up and be beautiful both on the inside and out. To be little ladies and have a love for God shine through them. I tell Alexis to be a sweet girl. Well, the other day the real world struck and I found out that at school she took a bite out of one of the little boys at her school! Talk about shocked! Granted...this little boy has been bothering her. She comes home alot telling us how he wont leave her alone, been mean, or wont get out of her face. I have told her and told her to be nice and if he does something that is mean then to tell her teachers. Well on this particular day, they were outside playing and he was being mean and was blocking her with his leg and wouldnt let her go down the slide. So...she took it upon herself to move his leg by biting it. Tyler says....that is great, she was fed up with him and so now he will leave her alone and she knows how to stand up for herself. (typical guy). But, no....I dont approve. I dont want her doing extreme things like that when something makes her mad or she doesnt like something.
I talked to her about it and explained and listened...(I was pretty proud of myself, I felt like I helped her understand what she did was wrong and how to handle herself bettter)...she was punished by no movie before bed the rest of the week (which she loves) and was put to bed early (which she hates). She went the next day to school and said she told him she was sorry.
On top of things like that..she has been saying words that I dont like, such as idiot and stupid...dummy. When I heard her say idiot the first time, I was floored. Where did she hear that word from?!?! Well...guess what....DISNEY movies!!  Yep!...Disney. You know the cute cowboy Woody from Toy Story...or Cruella Deville from 101 Dalmations...yep them among others!
I already limit pretty much everything she watches as it is, but those are supposed to be innocent cartoon movies! I just cant keep her away from everything!
I am always trying so hard to teach Alexis about consequences. Such as...she will say she doesnt want to brush her teeth. So, I say okay that is fine, we wont brush your teeth. The first time I said it, you should have seen her face! She was like WHAT!! I explained to her, okay dont brush your teeth...lets go..but dont cry to me when your teeth turn black and you have a yucky mouth because you didnt brush. OH, that changed her mind!! "Mommy, I want to brush my teeth!" So far doing stuff like that when she doesnt want to do something changes her mind pretty quickly!
If I teach my girls anything about life...I want to make sure they do know right and wrong, and that there are consequences for your actions. I will ALWAYS be there for them, I will go to the moon and back for them but they are responsible for choosing right from wrong. I will do my best to guide them and help them as much as I possibly can. I want them to know that I want to be their best friend, I want them to be comfortable with me enough to talk to me about anything that they want. That I will always be a shoulder to lay their heads on. I dont always want to be "mean Mommy"...but if I have to be I will. I just feel like "mean Mommy" is popping out more than "nice Mommy" and it is frustrating but that is because I cant have the bubble to put them in like I want! :)
Oh, this world we live in, please be nice to my beautiful girls! Please, Lord, allow them to follow the path you have laid for them and...even if they may stray, guide them with your loving hand...and allow them to live their lives to the fullest! I have a typed and framed prayer in each of their rooms, I hope they will always read it and know my prayer for them and how much I love them with all of my heart! (Mean Mommy and Nice Mommy!)

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