Friday, November 23, 2012

My little turkies!

Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone already.  Time really does fly! We had a relaxing and full of food time! My two turkies were dressed so cute in the turkey outfits this year! I am so thankful for all the blessings in my life! I am so blessed! Thank you Lord for blessing me! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving like we did! Now...onto Black Friday shopping to start knocking out the Christmas gift list! :)

Alexis made this Turkey hat at school!...she was so proud of it! 

This little Turkey LOVED some chocoloate pie! Just look at it on her face! :)

Alexis asked to borrow my belt to wear with her Turkey shirt! Talk about a moment for me! WOW...thought one day would come where we might share a shirt or two, but she is 4!! She was so excited to get to borrow it! She told everybody! 

 Little Turkies eating yummy T~giving food!!

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