Saturday, November 3, 2012

"Disneyworld, and first boyfriend!"

If I could steal this little boy...I would in a heartbeat! :) Everybody would think he was mine if his momma tried to get him back because he has blonde hair like me......even though he looks just like her! :) I will never..never...forget the first time I held this little..little guy! He stole my heart! He was so adorable and it made me sooo excited that I was about to have my first baby and get to hold her! I could not wait for them to be friends and play with each other! While we were neighbors, Alexis and Payton LOVED to play together! There woudnt hardly be a single afternoon that we didnt have them in our back yard or us at theirs! We miss being neighbors..but that doesnt mean that we are not still going to always be friends! Alexis LOVES Payton! I cant even describe to you how she feels about this little man! Mandy and I have said forever that they are going to get married..but then the "brother/sister" attitude kicks in and so we dont really see marriage in the future! :) Alexis still calls Payton her boyfriend! (oh me!) Alexis was so sad when we moved away from him!............but she gets so excited when we visit!
Today Tyler and I took them to see Disney on Ice. They LOVED it! It has been several months since they have seen each other, but they picked up liked they havent missed a day! We so enjoyed getting to visit the Rigney family and see their new home and catching up!

The Lion King was both Payton's and Alexis' favorite they said! (It was mine and Tyler's favorite too! :) )

They both were sooo amazed that Peter Pan actually flew!!

OH Alexis is all I can say! Since the day I told her we were taking her to see Disney on Ice..she got it in her head that she was going to Disney world! I tried..and tried and T.R.I.E.D. to tell her that it wasnt Disney world, but it would have all the Disney characters though! Well, she wasnt buying that! She would tell everybody still that she was going to Disney World! I was so worried that we would get there and she would realize and get upset and cry or something because it wasnt actually Disney world! But, thank goodness, none of that happened and she had a GREAT time! So, I guess we can knock the actual Disney World off of our list for a little while since she thinks she has already been there!! :)
When Minnie Mouse came out, she goes "I told you Mommy we were at Disney world!" Well alrighty then Alexis! :)

The next pictures below are a flash back of Alexis and Payton throughout their years as neighbors! I have a T.O.N. more pictures of them together, but these were my favorites! 

This was the night sweet Sam was born. We were in the hospital room!

This was at Alexis' 2nd birthday party!

First love :)

I can not describe how thankful I am for this girl below! I am so glad I walked across the street to meet her when they moved in across the street! We instantly became very close friends! We have had soo many memories, conversations and just fun times together! I treasure them all....especially the one where she drove me to the hospital to have Lily! That is an afternoon I will NEVER forget! :)

This is all of the crew..minus sweet Eva who wasnt born yet! :) I can not wait to have more memories with this group as they grow up!! 

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