Sunday, November 11, 2012

Lily at 14 months!

Oh how my little sweet baby is growing up right before my eyes! I am starting to see more and more everyday...less and less of a baby! Lily will be 14 months old this week! I love this age that she is in though! It is my favorite by far. So far Lily is a very sweet, observant and easy going girl! She is not going to be my "dare devil" child if she continues the way she is. She listens so well. If I tell her to stop doing something or NO then she stops..the first time. She is also real careful to do something for the first time. She makes sure she "tests" it out before she does it. She doesnt just jump right into doing something like her sister does. I think she has learned alot from her big to what not to do! haha! When she doesnt like something though, she will let you know it. She does this distinct noise/squeal...and when we hear it we know she is not happy about something! She still continues to not be a picky eater! That girl may have a little body...but dont let that fool you! She can put down some food! It just amazes me! Here the past couple of weeks she has become alot more vocal and is understanding better every day too. Happy 14 months my sweet girl!

Some things she has been doing:
She loves to get the hair brush and brush her hair! She will come running over to me and hold the brush up to brush mine. She hits my head with it more than brushes my hair...but she thinks she is doing it at least! :)

She has started dropping things and saying "uh oh"...even though right now her "uh oh" is more like "uh uh!" It is sooo cute!

She has been shaking her head "yes"...but this past week she has learned "NO." It is sooo funny!! If I ask her something..or she doesnt want something...she will shake her whole head...and her body.. no! Oh...I laugh sooo hard!

She has learned "more" in sign language now. She uses it A LOT in the mornings because she always wants a ton more cheerios!!

She has now started thinking she can take her clothes off. This is kind of frustrating because she will pull her shirt up over her head...and it gets stuck!

She has started dancing alot! She does this funny little wiggle and shakes her head! Then when she really wants to "get down"...she starts bending one knee up and down really fast! All she needs to add is a heehaw and a knee slap when she does it next because that is what it looks like! haha!

When I get on to her or tell her no, she has started doing this thing where she lowers her head and cocks her ear to her shoulder and her big eyes looks up at me saying "okay Mommy, I wont do what you are telling me not to, Im sorry!" it melts my heart everytime!----unlike her sister at this age who would give me the biggest grin and a look of "okay, Mommy, I know you are telling me not to do this, but I am anyways" and then she would do it! :)

She has also started pointing at everything. When Alexis was this age, I was told to talk and say what I think she is pointing at b/c they are "exploring the world" I have been trying my best to say for example..yes Lily, light....door etc! She looks back at me so amazed! ha!

We were at her Childrens Hospital appointment in this picture. They already had their Christmas decorations up, and let me tell you, I have never seen so many Christmas trees! They were beautiful! I lost count of how many trees they had! It was really unbelievable! Lily LOVED to look and grab the ornaments!

This is how pretty much all of the pictures I take of her are these days! She will not look at the camera..and she is always on the go!

This picture is classic Lily! SOOO sweet and with one or no shoes on! As soon as I put her shoes on...she takes them off!

Dont let that sweet smile above fool you! As you can see....she can do the MOST pitiful face ever! Ohh...she can be a little miss drama queen too sometimes!! :)

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