Saturday, November 3, 2012

Life long friendships are hard to come by

Friends come and go throughout your life! Some friendships may end badly..some just fade with time...and some just may stand the test of time! I am sooo thankful for my two life long friendships! Misty Faith and Kelly Mac have been by my side for as far back as my memory can remember! Oh, how these two girls and I have had so many memories throughout our years! From Misty's car breaking down on one of our many trips to Kelly and I thinking her home phone would reach a signal 20 miles from her house so we could pretend to be at her house for curfew, yet still stay out! :) I could go on...and on...and on!! Now that we are "old"... :) .....we still treasure our girl time! I am so thankful for my life long friends!!

This picture was from so long ago! Our babies were actually still babies! :) So happy Sheri got to join us for this girl time too! (she was pregnant with her little girl!)

This was one of our fun lunch visits! We went to my ALL time favorite place..O'Charley's!! Misty knows I get her cucumbers...and she gets my croutons! :) I was pregnant with Lily is this picture!
Camp and Alexis were so young! It was so hard to get them to look at the camera!

Talk about feeling "old"! 10 year class reunion! (we let the guys come with us some places...sometimes! :) ) ~Amber E and her husband are pictured with us! :)  ** photo taken Oct 2010!

LOVE how Kelly's babies and my babies will hopefully get to grow up and be good friends!!

This picture is bringing it back old school style! :) Graduation night! whooo hooo!! :)

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