Sunday, August 10, 2014


Day 215
Even though I lost most of my pictures due to 'sim card malfunction' Highlight of the day...Law Reunion~2014!
Lily asked Nan for 'lestick!' Nan showed her how to put it on and then smooth it out on her lips! She loves lipstick!! :)

Day 216
OOHH yum!! Even though pictures of food never really make the food look good, well this was delicious!! Tyler cooked his famous lasagna and it hit the spot!!

Day 217
The girls were SUPER excited when I surprised them with Popsicles before cheer practice! :)
 Day 218
The girls have really ENJOYED Summer and 'water Wednesdays!!!' much....have not! {I have but not really} just because 'water Wednesdays' are A LOT of work! {for me!!} having to make sure both girls have everything they need is though! Wednesday was their last water day for the Summer since school is starting back. They were sad...............       I secretly had a smile on my face! :)

Day 219
One step closer to 1st grade!! Meet the teacher night! Alexis was SOOO excited to meet her teacher and see her friends! Look at this cute board! Ms. Harper's sweet class! :)
 Day 220
OOHHH this little girl is SO excited about ballet starting next week! She literally has told EVERYONE that she has come in contact with that she is taking ballet! :) She makes me smile! I got out Alexis' first ballet shoes.....and they fit Lily! SOOOO sweet! It made me tear up! Lily was SO excited to have her ballet slippers on! :)

Day 221
We had a crew! We loaded up and headed for a bike ride down the trail and to see the turtles! SOOO fun!
Day 222
Picture day at the Law house before Church! CUTE cute CUTE pictures coming soon of these sweet girls!!! :) :) :)

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