Sunday, August 24, 2014


Day 230
Them two were working hard on homework while I cooked dinner! Loved seeing their brains working hard! :)

Day 231
Some is just nice to take your shoes off and go to bed!  That was the highlight of this day! Boy, it was just a long rough day! {Sometimes we all have those!!}

Day 232
Wednesday folder checking! I love to see what all is inside Alexis' Wednesday folder! Wednesday folder is the day that the teachers send home previous work,etc. This was sweet that Alexis did! I love her picture of us sitting at the dinner table {complete with our chandelier we have over the table! She says she loves the pretty light!} :) 

Day 233
Ballet day!! Love this little ballerina! 

Day 234
Whew, thank goodness for Friday! Loved watching the girls play the car game! {Until they realized it was broken!} :)

Day 235
So fun!...but hard work! Cruising down the creek with my little family!

Day 236
Girls day! We went to Church and then I asked the girls where they would like to go for lunch!? Of course they picked their MOST favorite place! Love having girl time with them!

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