Saturday, August 23, 2014

Full day o' fun!

Today we decided to venture into new territory and take the girls on a canoe trip down Terrapin creek in Piedmont! Tyler has been wanting to do this for a while but today finally came to where we could fit it in to do!

We loaded up and were out the door this morning at 6:45am!! We fueled up at Jacks and then headed to the creek! The girls were SOO excited about riding in the 'boat!' :)

Once we got everything unloaded and us loaded in, we took off on our fun adventure! The girls kept saying that they were looking for mountain lions, alligators, snakes, monkeys, and giraffes! {Needless to say, all we saw were some REALLY BIG spiders on the trees!} :) was fun pretending that we 'thought' we saw something! :) :)

Cruising down the creek was ROUGH today! The water was SO low that it was really hard to paddle! We got stuck pretty much every time we came across a rock.............which was every 5 seconds! :)

Daddy had to get out a WHOLE lot and get us unstuck! haha! He for sure got a workout today! I know he is tired {just at looking at him right now as I type this!} :) Now, I had to get us unstuck some too! When it got really bad, I had to get out and tug too! At one point Tyler and I switched and I sat in the back thinking that would help....and yeah, not so much! So, for it to be the girls first time to canoe, I feel bad because it wasnt a great experience..........but we still had fun and for sure made some memories! And...not to mention, we will try again when the water is higher!! :) :)

After our canoeing experience we headed home for nice warm baths followed by nice afternoon naps!! {That were much needed!!}

Once we 'regrouped' we headed to one of our favorite resturants, Isshin and enjoyed Japanese!

After dinner it was Alexis' shining moment!! She sang the Star Spangled Banner on the JSU football field during Spirit on the Mountain! She did a great job with her school choir!

We have had a great...FULL day and now, we will for sure all sleep well tonight! :)

Loading up and ready to go!
They had no clue what to expect! That made me smile! :)
Just a rollin down the creek. {This was taken when Tyler made me get in the back thinking it would help instead of me being in the front!} It didnt help! And...if you can see up ahead in the picture of all the tall grass!........yeah, that is what we ran into A LOT! :)
Cleaned up {check} Got her red, white and blue on {check} found her friends {check} READY to go sing!! {check!}
Trouble with a capital T! :) LOVE to see these two interact with each other! Lily says Callie is her best friend!
About to sing!!
Alexis is in there somewhere! :) :)
The Marching Southerners sounded so good! And it seemed like they are bigger this year too!! SOOOOO ready for some FOOTBALL!! I LOVE some football!!!

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