Sunday, August 31, 2014


Day 237
Made my day! My co-worker friend Jennifer brought me a Coke with my name on it! :) :) Happy Monday to me!! :)

Day 238
Highlight of my day!!! all my kisses away!!

Day 239
Wednesday is our one day of the week lately where we can just come home and do nothing! We dont have any practices, etc! This is what Alexis and Aubie decided to do! Sooo sweet!

Day 240
SUPER busy day today!! We had ballet then straight to Cheer pictures and practice! Look at the cheerleaders! So cute!!

Day 241
It is FRIDAY!! And, the first Friday of football season!! I LOVE wearing my orange and blue on Fridays to work! {Now that I work at JSU, I cant so much wear things that say Auburn, but I sure can fit orange and blue some where in my wardrobe!} :) :)
AND....notice my left hand!! FINALLY today I got to wear my wedding rings again! I was stung Sunday by a wasp and for the whole week my hand and fingers were so swollen that my rings would not fit! :(  But, they fit Friday!!

Day 242
Love my little War Eagle girls....and kitten! :) Aubie was So excited it was game day! :)

Day 243
Off to Church we go! Love these two beautiful girls!!
I helped in Lily's class today at Church and Alexis wanted to come in and be my helper! She read them a story! They all listened so good as she read!
Lily, Levi, Co-Co and Maci! :)

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