Sunday, September 7, 2014

Alexis' first Jamboree!

We have been super super busy lately!!...with all FUN things of course, but goodness I am tired! :)

After ballet class Thursday I dropped the girls off at Grans for them to spend the weekend with grandparents because Tyler and I headed to Troy, Alabama to celebrate my dearest friend Lindsay!!

She got MARRIED yesterday! Whoo hoo!! I have been waiting for YEARS to celebrate this with her! She has been to literally every big event of my life throughout our friendship...and nothing has been going on with her until NOW! :) Sooo happy for her!! {pictures of the wedding weekend coming soon!}

While we were gone, Alexis and Lily had a great weekend! Friday night Alexis spent the night with Gran and Lily spent the night with Nan and Pawpaw!

Saturday Alexis had her very first Jamboree as a cheerleader in Ragland!! She was beyond excited about it! I am soooo sad that I missed it but I heard a great report about it and loved seeing the pictures!

Alexis and Lily then spent the night with Nan and Pawpaw Saturday night and went to Church with them this morning. We met everyone for lunch after Church and now we are all home relaxing!! Ahh...nice! :)

Introducing the 2014 Jacksonville Golden Eagle C-Team Cheerleaders!!!
So cute! Smiling away!! :)
Lets hear it for those Eagles!!
Shaking those hips!!
They did such a GREAT job!!
Lean to your left....
and lean to your right!  ......peel your banana and hmmm...   take a bite!!! {This is Alexis' favorite chant to do!} :)

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