Sunday, September 14, 2014

My Little Pony party!

From the time I asked Lily what kind of birthday party she wanted....she never swayed from a 'My Little Pony' party! Soooo......a My Little Pony party it was!! :)

We had her party at Germania Spring Park. It is a big park with a huge playground and a big Train deck play area. And.....per Lily..."Everybody came Mommy!!" :) All her little friends and family!!

Andrew's work had a huge bouncy they put that out and the kids had a ball.

The kids played and played and colored at the 'coloring station' and then we ate cake and opened presents!

It was perfect weather and day for a sweet little girl's birthday!!

The set up! :) We had grilled out hotdogs! YUM!

Love this decoration!!
The bouncy house was a huge hit!!.............even with kids that were not at Lily's party! :)  {Though once her party started we had to kick kids out that we didnt know because it was getting too crowded!}
The kids loved coloring the My Little Pony color sheets!

Some of the crew at the party and the birthday girl!!
They had SOOO much fun!
Lily and Callie love playing with each other!!
Her cake! It was soo cute and sooo good! This is exactly what she wanted!!
Alexis and Carli helped Lily blow her candle out! :)
Aunt Brandi helping with the cake!
Everybody enjoying the party!
The birthday girl got alot of cute things! She loved it all!!
This was her favorite gift! :) It walks!!

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