Thursday, September 11, 2014


Day 244
Love seeing Alexis excited about learning and happy when she does well! She got all of her spelling words she drew herself a smiley face! {with ears!} :)

Day 245
OH YUM! I made chicken pot pie for the first time using a very good recipe! Funny story!!...right after I took this picture I went to scoop it out and realized that the biscuits were still mush on the bottom! :) Needless to say we didnt have much biscuit this go around, but next time I make it, I will know to cook them separate and then add them in! :) {You live and you learn....right!!??} :) :)

Day 246
It was SOOOO good to have our little buddy back home with us! The girls missed him sooo much and constantly kept asking me about him! He was only away from us one night! He had to get neutered and declawed! We missed him!

Day 247
Thursday...Thursday!! Ballet day with these three! I took Laynee this day with us and they had soo much fun in the back on the way down to class! This was a SUPER busy day!! I dropped the girls off at Gran's after class so they could spend the night with her and she could take them to school the next day since Tyler and I headed to Troy for Lindsay's wedding! 

Day 248
Having fun with this guy! We loaded up and headed down to Lindsay's wedding weekend!

Day 249
She is MARRIED! Whooo hoooo!! Love her!!

Day 250
 Back at home and back in the groove! :) :) Did our weekend Walmart run and I picked up this little jewel! :) :) OOOHHH, how I love how my house smells!! That "Fall" feeling is in our home!!

Day 251
Yeah, was the highlight of my day until I actually started working on it! BOY, it ended up being a no go!! Trying to do a 'run through' sign for the football team was a disaster! :( :(    But, for a was the highlight of my day! haha!

Day 252
Glad to see this guy eating! He started not feeling good, not eating much at all, not moving, just not his normal spunky self from all of the stuff he had done so I took him to the vet the day before. They gave him two shots because he was running a fever. Well this day, he started improving! The shots had kicked in and finally he was feeling like eating!

Day 253
Love getting Alexis' Wednesday folder and seeing all the work she has been doing! She made a 100% on one of her tests! So proud of her!!

Day 254
Thursday ballet day is here again! This little busy bee wild thing loved playing in the Burger King playground before ballet class!

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