Saturday, September 13, 2014

My Lilybug is 3!

I am crying at the thought of how fast time has flown with Lily! It literally feels like yesterday that I was flying down Highway 280 in 5 oclock traffic to give birth to her!

She has grown and blossomed soooo much in her three little years! She may be small, but by goodness she doesnt think that! She can keep up with her big sister.............and her sister's friends with ease! :) :)

She is just so advanced for her little age! She speaks so well {and speaks her mind so well} too! :)

She does everything on her own time! When she gets it in her head to do something, that is when it will happen! {Since the day she popped out of my belly, this has been the case!} Once she sets her mind to something, there is no going back! She has 10 guns blazing and ready to roll! She is by far my most determined, focused, and hardworking child! {I always say Alexis is my artsy, singing, in 'Lala world' child! :) :) }

I am beyond blessed to be little Miss Lily's Mommy! She brings soooo much joy and laughter to our lives! This girl cracks me up! There is no telling what she is going to say on any given occasion about any topic!!

Happy 3rd birthday Lily! I can not wait to see you grow even more into a beautiful woman!

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