Monday, September 15, 2014

First game as a cheerleader!

I dont think Alexis fully understood the extent of what it was like when she said she wanted to be a cheerleader!.........but, I think she is realizing it and I have to say she is loving it! :)

She had her very first game Saturday and she did awesome!! She was so good out there during half-time! She did all the motions, didnt fall during her pyramid, and smiled the whole time!

The Jacksonville Golden Eagles played Ragland and beat them 27-6!

Makes my heart smile to see Alexis love something that I loved when I was younger! :)

These cuties did such a great job! They blew the other cheer squad away!
Getting ready for the boys to go on the field!!
My little cheerleader!!
Doing their chants!!
Ready for half-time!! SSOOOO proud of them!
Look at that smile on her face! It was there the whole time she was out on that field!! :) :)
The pyramid!!
Sooo proud!!
Love these girls!
And my two girls too!!! :) :)

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