Saturday, September 20, 2014

Friday night lights!.......

Whew this week has been packed full! But, it is now the weekend!! Alexis came home this afternoon with her very first progress report as a 1st grader and she had all A's!!!!! SOOO super proud of her because now that she is in the 1st grade, she has actual scores and so I was a little nervous about what grades she would get! Well...she did awesome!
We kicked off the weekend with 'Youth night' at the JHS game! Alexis was so excited to be with the 'big' cheerleaders! {I remember being little and going to the high school games and just being in amazement of the 'big' cheerleaders too!} :)

My little Eagles!!
My little cheerleader!
Daddy and Lily up high in the stands!
They loved getting a picture with the big cheerleaders!
Hanging with the big girls!
Crazy girls!
Meet Jack! Lily says "Cocky's best friend!" :) :)
So sweet!
Love Ms. Haley!! Alexis loved seeing her!

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