Thursday, August 14, 2014

My little ballerinas!!

The time has come! Time that my baby is old enough to take dance too! Both girls are officially ballerinas and it just makes me smile SO big!!

Lily Grace Law is probably BY FAR the most excited happy ballerina there is!!

When Alexis started ballet, she had just turned 3. She turned 3 in July and started class in August. She was SOO excited about starting ballet and talked and talked about it! Well, the first two classes, she bawled her eyes out and refused to participate during class! She sat on the side and watched both times. I seriously was thinking I had wasted my money and that she just wasnt going to do it. {Which totally shocked me and somewhat upset me because Alexis was the MOST bubbly outgoing happy little girl who was never shy or timid about doing anything!} {I was literally speechless about why she was being this way toward something that she was so excited about doing because she hadnt been like that about anything else!}  Well, come the third dance class {right when I was going to give it my last shot} she walked in that class and from that class would have never known she hesitated at the beginning! :) She did a complete turn around!!! She absolutely LOVES dance now and I can not get her to stop dancing................. and singing!! :) :) it is that time for Lily! {Where has the time gone!!??}Lily is my timid and hesitate child. That has just been her little personality from day one. She will cut up and act silly around us but once she is out in a crowd she sometimes just becomes really shy. Sooooo......when I told Lily that she is now old enough to be a ballerina...... she was SOOOOOOOOOO excited! She tells everyone...and I mean everyone that she is a ballerina! She has just been sooo excited about starting.

So, today was the big day!! Both girls just super excited about it! As it was time for Lily to go into her class, she just couldnt contain her excitement! I wish everyone could have seen her face and how excited she was! She was doing little dance moves while we were waiting and constantly asking when class was going to start!!

So, when that time came for her to go in. I held my breath and said a silent prayer that she wouldnt clam up and not want to go in. soon as that door opened, she didnt look back!

She LOVED it! My timid one didnt have a problem AT ALL!

When she walked out of the room when class was over, the girls have to walk on their toes with their arms in the air! It was the MOST precious thing I have ever seen as I watched Lily walk out the door with the biggest, most happy smile on her face! It was priceless!!!

I am so glad that they love dancing because I can not wait to see them up on stage when they are older dancing routines together and just blowing everyone away! ;)

My little tiny ballerina! She was the tiniest in the class!!...but that didnt stop her! :) :)
Do you see this face?!?! Do you SEE this face!! This is a little girl that is SO excited!
My two little ballerinas!!
Some of Lily's class! So cute!!
Lily was super excited that Laynee is in her class!!

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