Sunday, October 30, 2016

Pinterest FAIL and Fall Festivals!

We hit our 2nd Fall Festival today and had soooo much fun.....but it was sooooo hotttt!

OH my goodness....88 degrees at the end of October is craziness!

Dont get me wrong...I do not like cold....or it getting colder...or snow cold, etc... haha!!...but the heat during this time of season is strange!

Since it was so warm the girls decided not to wear their Halloween costumes on top of it is easier to bounce and go down the big slides in regular clothes! :) :)

Before we hit the Fall Festival.....we hit Church and then lunch followed by getting ready for Halloween and our annual Halloween party tomorrow!

LOVE getting ready for Halloween! The girls and I decided to make chocolate covered marshmallows! Andrew and Gran came over for a little bit just in time to help out! You know how on Pinterest..........everything looks so easy...............and just SOOOOOOO cute!


Not so much when a normal human being does it! :)

Ours do NOT look like what is on websites...............but we had fun making them anyways!! :)

Our Church Halloween attire today! :)
Love this little outfit...and remember when Alexis wore it too! :)
LOOK at this! Circa 2012 Halloween attire that Alexis had and is now Lily's! I love to see the difference with them when wearing the same adorable things!
They came over just in time to be put in the kitchen to help make chocolate marshmallows!
Yeah....ours doesnt look anything like the cute ones on the websites that you see! Epic fail! Chocolate wasnt working right....the edible paint wasnt either and so on and so on! hahaha! But, fun memories were made and Im sure they will still taste yummy!! :)
Then on to the Fall Festival! Hayride fun with Alexis, Lily and Lily's sweet friend Jaycee! :)
Take a look at who the driver of the hayride is?!?!?! Why none other than Daddy! He did a great job driving the tractor the whole time for the hayride! He was a pro! :) :)
Elyse and Alexis! Sweet Church friends!
LOVE all these sweet kiddos in this picture! The Snapp kids are just adorable! I could steal Riley and Bennett in a second and have them join our family!!!
The Petting Zoo was a big hit! They even had a cute little anteater walking around on a leash! :)
Linda and the kids came! It was fun to see them!!
And look at Lily's face! Pure excitement when she saw her bestie Abby Grace! :)

Saturday, October 29, 2016


Today marked the last regular season game!

I have to was bittersweet today!

It has not been the funniest at times season but overall, I have still really enjoyed the girls and moving past my 3rd year as Coach!

Today marked us as undefeated!

Whoooo hooo!!

Up and the championship!

I hear championship bells ringing in the future!

Her last game as a B-Team 'first-timer!' :) She had an awesome year and really grew this year as a cheerleader!!
 Alexis loves to hold the run-through sign!
 Missing some due to out and some where in the bathroom....but here they are during their last game of the season! Great game!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Pumpkin carving contest!

Tonight we carved pumpkins and it was so much fun!

I have to say carving pumpkins isnt really like the 'old days' because now they have soooo many cute things that you can just stick in the pumpkins...or write on the pumpkins, etc.

Even though we did do the pumpkins like the 'new days'....we also did the good ole fashion carving too! :)

Finally Friday! Love that it is Friday...still wearing our Halloween stuff and loving the 'scary' eyeballs hanging from my vases in the background of this picture! :)
Tonight was nothing but work! :)
Carving pumpkins the good ole fashion way is the best! Just look at their faces! :)
Soooooooo funny how they think it is sooooo yucky!!
Priceless pictures! :)
The final results! Meet the pumpkin family! :)
They are all proudly displayed on our front porch!
I told them to make their favorite pumpkin face.....look at Lily!! She is doing like the Minnie Mouse pumpkin beside her! hahaha!!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Halloween fun week!

We are winding down to Halloween and still wearing our gear!

Wednesday...they were the cutest 'scary' cats there was! :) are their 'scary' faces this year!! Super scary! :)
And today! The cutest witch girls!!
And, so....yeah, I thought I would do a selfie myself to show my attire! :)
And on a different note!....look what came in the mail today! ALREADY!?!? REALLY! haha! Guess it is time for all the kids in the world to start drooling over Christmas. I think I will wait a little while until I let Alexis and Lily get a hold on this! :) :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A spooky all-nighter with LaLa, Meg and Mal

Lily informed me as I was driving her to Pell City to meet Mal so she could spend the night with LaLa and go to Boo at the Zoo on Monday night that she has decided that she wants to live in Birmingham {really close to LaLa} and that Daddy, Sissy and I can bring Aubie and come visit her!

Well....okay then! :)

Lily had the best time as always with them even if it was just a one night spend the night party! :)

Lily's fun night started off with Mexican food at Taco Mama after Meg got off work. Then they all headed to the Zoo for 'Boo at the Zoo!' Lily said she LOVED it with all the fun Halloween decorations! Look at that spider on the wall! :)
She loves Peter Pan!...and Tinkerbell!
The Minions!
Back at LaLa's after the fun!
Yesterday morning LaLa gave Lily at hat of Nannie's that Meg had! To say she LOVES this hat....oh my! A mini Nannie right here! :)
Lily wore the hat all day during their fun adventures! She went to Build a Bear and was in Heaven! This is the teddy bear she picked out. The bear was getting its bath and ready for her to take home. :)
Lily loved every second of her quick little trip and she loves her Meg, Mal, Vic and LaLa!

Wordless Wednesday!

Alexis...circa Fall 2012 in the same cute outfit! :) :) :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A spooooktacular beginning part of the week!

We are in the Halloween groove right now...

and it is soooo fun!

The girls have been wearing their Halloween attire {and so have I} and we have been doing all things fun that we can Halloween wise to enjoy this fun holiday season!

Yesterday I had the opportunity to read to Lily's class! BOY was she excited that I came and read! :) It was sooooo sweet to read them the 'Pumpkin Patch' book and hear them talk about pumpkins...and fall...and them picking the BEST pumpkin during the field trip that we went on a couple of weeks ago! I loved all the things they said as I read! Her sweet little class was so much fun!
Yesterday was also our 1st day of Halloween attire! LOVE it! :)
Today was the 2nd day of attire but it was just Alexis today because Lily spent the night with LaLa and enjoyed 'Boo at the Zoo' with Meg and Mal too! I will do a whole post on that later once I pull all the cute pictures I was sent during her 1 night 'get-a-way' that she had! :)
I met LaLa in Pell City to get Lily bug back and then headed to the JSU Fall Festival! We loved this last year and were soooo excited to do it again this year! This year it was outside and bigger since there was no threat of rain.....or cold! :)
We love to eat at The Caf before because they have fun music playing and decorations...and yummy and fun festival type food! The girls literally didnt eat a bite hardly of dinner and filled up on things like in the picture...cotton candy!
We always have fun with the Johnson crew....and Madi!
After we got finished eating...we headed out to play games and collect candy! Lily spotted Elsa and went straight over to get a picture. Alexis decided to join in on the picture taking too!
Playing all the fun games!
The girls had a blast!
Their favorite part was getting their faces painted!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Way to go B-Team!

We have had a good number of hurdles to go through this season but after the bad attitudes ceasing, and everyone deciding to work as a team....the pushed through...worked hard and did awesome today during competition!

2nd place in full floor routine!

So proud of them! :) :)

Getting ready for showtime!
Us coaches! These girls have been my rock this season!
Carli and Alexis!
Lex and Savannah!
My little chickadee and me! :)
She did SO awesome today! Super proud of her! She is one brave little cookie to be thrown in the air everywhere!
2nd place! WAY to GO Eagles!
Love! :)