Sunday, October 2, 2016

Fall is in the air!

Well Fall is in the air even though today it was kind of hard to feel it!

We have had a great first of Fall weekend so that is what counts! :)

Alexis in her Screaming Eagle gear and ready for the last day of Homecoming week! Gold and Blue day!
Today before Church I thought I would snap a few pictures since the girls looked so cute and because I  got my front porch decorated yesterday!
When we went to Oxfordfest yesterday the girls got outfits for their dolls so they HAD to take them to Church and lunch with them today.
Lily and her 'twin' doll! :)
Alexis with hers. The dress her doll is wearing isnt the outfit she got yesterday but she was SUPER excited when she realized a dress she already had for her doll exactly matched the dress she wore to church today. We didnt buy the dresses together but the color and flowers were the same! :)
Cutie pie! :)
Big cutie pie!
This picture has three of my most favorite things!! no particular order........... My girls......PUMPKINS and Tickles! :) :) :)
After Church we met up with this big crew and their parents to enjoy Mexican food and birthdays!
Happy early birthday to Mr. Ben! {His birthday is tomorrow!}
And happy birthday to Holly! She was soooo surprised that we all met and celebrated her birthday! I hate this picture is blurry!

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