Sunday, October 16, 2016

The best spooky Saturday!

We had the BEST Saturday!

Yesterday was a great...and SUPER busy day!

We started out by heading to the football field for some Saturday sunshine lights! {I know...that was cheezy!} :)

Alexis had her game. The B-team is still undefeated and they played awesome yesterday! We played Ragland and whooped them! :)

Andrew, Ben and Gran came to watch so we headed to Cooter Browns to eat lunch with them after the game.

The very best part about it was that Meg came to the game spend the weekend with us!

Whooo hooo!!

We always LOVE when she comes to visit and stay with us! We always have so much fun with her...along with Mal too, etc when they come visit!

After lunch...we hit the ground running with Callie's 5th birthday party!

We enjoyed watching football while the party was going on...and Meg was glad it was turned to Bama since Auburn had an off weekend. The only reason it was turned to the Bama game {in an Auburn home} was because Auburn was off and because Bama was playing Tennessee so all of us Auburn fans were hoping to see a big 'T' win. Sad to report...that didnt happen though! :)

So, after THAT....

we headed to Oxford to go the the haunted house and 'Terrortorium' with the Johnsons and friends!

It was SO much fun!

I still cant believe that Lily went through it all and wasnt even scared!

She is 5! :)

For it to be Alexis and Lily's both first time to do a Haunted house....I was super proud that they loved it and was fine! :)

Then after THAT!... :) we headed to Arby's that OH my...hit the spot and then got home and everyone crashed!!

Coming up in another post...Nannie's big 80th birthday party was today! Post on that soon! :)

Happy birthday to Callie! Lily has been cracking me up because after her birthday FINALLY came....the next thing that she would not stop talking about was......when is Callie's birthday! :)

I have said it before...the 3 amigos! :)
 Such a cute 'Unicorn party!' Carrie did a cute idea of having everyone make their own unicorn pony name! You had to take a certain letter from your first name, etc to make your name. There were some really funny names! :)
 Sweet friends! :)
 The cutest little pony! Meg was a trooper and went with us to the party! She thought it was a mule...but in fact, it was an actually miniature pony!
 My girls loved to ride the big 'unicorn' though so they rode and rode this!
Look how cute! :) :)
And then this happened! I heard about this place in Oxford last year but knew my girls were not ready for it then. Well, let me tell you, it was so much fun with the group that we went with! Loved the decorations...loved that part of it was an old Miracle Strip roller coaster from Panama City Beach Florida....loved it all! A fun memory made for sure!
The Terrortorium! :)
This Ferris wheel was crazy! It went SUPER fast! We didnt ride this! :)
We got there super early so once they opened and all the lights and music came was so exciting! :) This for sure is going to be a new tradition to do every year!
Sweet friends!
I hate my pictures turned out blurry but I had to post it anyways! Tyler was the picture taker so I have to document that he was there too! :)
Alexis was super excited that Caden came with Nick. They are all so sweet together! They rode the roller coaster part together and they loved it!
During the Haunted House part.....Tyler was up front...holding Lily....who didnt make a peep during the whole maze!..followed by Alexis who held Meg's arms around her the whole time making Meg have a really hard time walking! :) Then it was Caden who wore his hat over his eyes about 98% of the time in front of me. Since he had his hat over his eyes, I had to help navigate him through as Nick dug his face into my back the entire time! :) Followed then by Tammy, then the two 'big girls' {'big' Alexis and Jada} who sang 'Jesus loves me' during it when they were scared!....then Jada's mom on the end! :)
Such fun memories! :)
At the end the chainsaw man came after should have seen them all scatter like ants! :)
My Meg gal! Love her and super glad she stayed the weekend with us!

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