Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A spooky all-nighter with LaLa, Meg and Mal

Lily informed me as I was driving her to Pell City to meet Mal so she could spend the night with LaLa and go to Boo at the Zoo on Monday night that she has decided that she wants to live in Birmingham {really close to LaLa} and that Daddy, Sissy and I can bring Aubie and come visit her!

Well....okay then! :)

Lily had the best time as always with them even if it was just a one night spend the night party! :)

Lily's fun night started off with Mexican food at Taco Mama after Meg got off work. Then they all headed to the Zoo for 'Boo at the Zoo!' Lily said she LOVED it with all the fun Halloween decorations! Look at that spider on the wall! :)
She loves Peter Pan!...and Tinkerbell!
The Minions!
Back at LaLa's after the fun!
Yesterday morning LaLa gave Lily at hat of Nannie's that Meg had! To say she LOVES this hat....oh my! A mini Nannie right here! :)
Lily wore the hat all day during their fun adventures! She went to Build a Bear and was in Heaven! This is the teddy bear she picked out. The bear was getting its bath and ready for her to take home. :)
Lily loved every second of her quick little trip and she loves her Meg, Mal, Vic and LaLa!

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