Saturday, October 22, 2016

Life lately!

We have been pushing through this week with gearing up for cheer competition, trying to survive it getting dark early {I always hate this time of year, I enjoy long daylight afternoons!} and it starting to get chilly.

We have had Open houses, Boss's Day, cheer...cheer and cheer, ballet, gearing up for our favorite week of Halloween attire leading up to Halloween, a trip to Moe's, a BIG Eagle final home game win and excitedly waiting for Auburn to play tonight against Arkansas!.....all packed into one week! :) That is life lately! :) :)

Monday night we had Alexis and Lily's Open House where they showed off their classwork and everything. I am super proud of Alexis. She has for sure been focusing and working hard to get through 3rd grade! Here is her and her twin picture she drew of herself for the 3rd Grade Hall of Fame! :)
Lily was SUPER pumped this week when these jewels of boots were found from when Alexis wore them! HIGH heel should have seen how happy her face was when she put them on and fit her! :)
Boss's Day was this week too! Super thankful for my co-workers to make special treats and this banner to celebrate! Love them all like family!
We are wearing our Halloween gear and super excited that next week is the week before Halloween. The girls will be wearing Halloween attire all week next week! Cant wait! :)
And today marked the last home game of the season! It was perfect weather outside for a football game. Even though we havent had rain in like a month....the weather is for sure starting to show that winter is coming. These girls have worked SO hard and did the best job on their routine today! They are for sure ready for competition tomorrow! The boys pulled out a big Eagle win for the last home game too! They are still undefeated! We have our last away game next week and then play-offs!!
Love these girls!
My little Auburn cheerleader cheered on her big sister this morning and now ready for the Tigers in a little bit! War Eagle! :)
And..notice her necklace that she is wearing. It is a 'best friend sister' necklace that her and Lex made together! They worked together to make one for both of them to wear saying that.....they are best friend sisters forever....ever! :) :)

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