Saturday, October 8, 2016

What a BIG Eagle WIN!

It is GREAT to be an Eagle!

We played an awesome game today against our biggest rival!

Hokes Bluff didnt stand a chance against us and we are still undefeated! cheerleaders blew their cheerleaders out of the water too!!

We still have some work to do on our routine, but overall.....I was SOOO proud of my girls!

We wear pink in October! The girls loooove the pink poms!
Little Miss Sassy thing cheering her heart out! :)
Go Eagles! :)
Ben and Gran joined us today. They stayed for a little bit and the 3 amigos played with each other and enjoyed popsicles! :)
The cheering bleacher squad!
Little Cheerleader! :)
This group did awesome today! They did the routine during half-time and there is NO doubt they are going to blow Hokes Bluff away during competition!

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