Saturday, October 8, 2016

Wearin our favorites!

It is tough during the month of October to decide which to wear since we love both at the Law home...

we have to toss up our wardrobe between our Auburn gear and Halloween fun! :)
We have had a good week......we are FOR SURE looking forward to having a long weekend even though Tyler and I have to work! I am looking forward to no spelling words, math papers, 'think about it's', or for that matter anything concerning 3rd grade for a couple of days! :)
Speaking of 'think about its', Alexis got one Friday. I am SO over see them and I cringe when I see it on her daily calendar. Sooooo, I ask her what she did to get a 'think about it' and she said 'Well, Mommy, I said 'Yes ma'am' to Mrs. Wilson in my whale voice!' OH ME! My child of mine! We love the movie 'Finding Dory' and in the movie, the whale is so funny and so we like to talk like a whale at home. {meaning we drag out what we say. For example. I love Iiiiii loooooove  youuuu} :) Well apparently she said 'yessssss maaaa'am' to Mrs. Wilson and she didnt like that very much. Let me just say, never a dull moment with my two! Goodness me! So, needless to say....we had a long talk about her knowing how to act and the fact that she better not be funny anymore to her teacher and talk like that! :)

Cutest girl around!
Love wearing our 'scary' Halloween clothes! {per Lily!} :)
Our little Waarrrr Eagle girl! :)
And speaking of favorites....Alexis was SUPER excited that the JHS and the JSU cheerleaders all came and had lunch with them at school this week! Carli is one of her favorite JHS cheerleaders.....because she is Caroline's sister! :) :)

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