Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Field trip fun with Lily!

Lily had her very first field trip and she had a BLAST!

She said today was the best day ever! :)

They started off with story time about the Great Pumpkin! I have to was super chilly when we were first there...but about 30 minutes in, it warmed up and we were great! It ended up being a beautifully perfect day to enjoy the patch.
Then we headed to the wagon ride and enjoyed that as well as Pawpaw enjoyed seeing the turkies out in the field! I think that was a super highlight for him! :)
The little Pre-K crew enjoyed the train ride!
Around they went!
This picture is priceless! She was sooooo excited to pick her pumpkin and wanted us to see it!
She found the perfect one! It is now proudly displayed on our front porch! :)
Today was 'Lily day!' She got to do everything she asked for! After the patch....her and I did some shopping....she picked out some treats including some new play dough and then we ate at Los Mex {per her request} as she had a cheese quesadilla {per her request!} :) before picking up Alexis from school! It was a great 'Lily day!' :)
Pawpaw and Lily! Peace...Love...and Pumpkins!
This was super fun! They had a race to make a scarecrow! :) Riley and Lily were partners and they did a great job!
Great job! :)
Nan and Pawpaw came to the patch since they have never been to Bennett Farms. They enjoyed it and eating freshly made pig skins! Lily ate one for the first time! Not sure if she liked it or not but she ate it! ha!
The girls!
Who would have thought playing in a bunch of corn would be so fun? Well....per is awesome!
They all could have played in this for hours!
Some of Lily's sweet friends as well as Mrs. Bowman and Mrs. Waddell!

Pre-K 2016!
One happy happy girl!
She had the best day! :) I loved having a 'Lily day' with her and letting her know that she is one special little girl!

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