Friday, August 9, 2019

1st week of school!

We survived the 1st week!

The girls LOVED it! Alexis loved getting comfortable with switching classes. They have 4 minutes to make it to their next class before the bell rings them tardy. She said she has mastered that and it is a piece of cake! :)

Lily has come home everyday saying how much she loves Science and how all the experiments are SO fun!

Lily's 2nd day of 2nd grade! I couldnt get Alexis to take a picture. She said she was too big to take a 2nd day of school picture! Ugh! :)
 3rd day of 2nd grade! She loves school, her teacher...all of it! Im so glad!
 Mrs. Nelson snapped this picture and I just love it! They were doing an experiment with pennies and taking the 'rust' off! :)
  And...we MADE it to Friday! Whoop whoop! Day 4!
 Alexis finally let me take a picture of her...and ONLY because she was excited to document that she already had a field trip...................AND...the fact that it is the first week of school having a field trip!
 I got this picture sent to me! They all went to JSU to watch the Marching Southerners perform their half-time routine since their band camp was finishing up! This gym is actually in the building that I work {Kennamer Hall} Alexis thought it was super cool that we were in the same building though I was not there today since I had a work conference in Birmingham at Grandview Hospital. I hate I missed them all...but from what I heard...I didnt miss the noise they all made! :)

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