Sunday, August 11, 2019

3 things!

Time has slipped away with me so it has been awhile since I have done a 3 things post!

1. She is now known as an Elementary Senior! Yep....she is in her 'Senior' year of Elementary school and BOY she is soaking that up! It cracks me's like when she talks about school and all that comes with it, in some portion of the conversation, this title is brought up! She is loving school, loving the fact that she has a bell system now with schedule changing and LOVING the fact that she is going to be in high school next year!

2. She is working, very hard and almost got her back handspring! She has try-outs in March for Junior High {say WHAT?!?!?!} so she has been working hard to get it before! I have been super impressed with her and how hard she has been working without any complaints or issues. Her work ethic is really shining during this!

3.{She is going to KILL me for writing this one!!} She has FINALLY shaved.her.legs. Yep, she has finally shaved! OH my goodness!..........ALLLLLL Summer she has begged and begged and begged. To the point to one night I was watching a show in my bedroom and she comes plopping in on my bed and throws her leg in the air. Im like..WHAT are you doing!?! She goes..'Momma, LOOK! Look at my legs hairs GLOWING from the TV light!' bahaha! So, I got her allll fixed up and showed her the proper way and she did it right before school started! EVERYTHING legs feel SO different. My legs are darker/tanner now because of me shaving. Oh this because of it or OH that because of it....she talks about it NON-stop! :)

1. She is beyond thrilled to have Mrs. Nelson as a teacher for 2nd grade! She is BEYOND thrilled to get to tell everyone that she is in 2nd grade....but she thought K and 1st were just 'babyish!' She is most excited to have Mrs. Nelson because she is the only 2nd grade teacher that brings in baby chicks and the kids help raise them {closer to the end of the school year!} I really think that is ALL she cares about because that is ALL she says if anyone asks her about her teacher, etc!

2.Speaking of baby chicks....she has determined she wants to be a Veterinarian when she grows up! I have to say....I think this is an awesome job for her and she seems to really be excited about it and really thinking about it and all that comes with being one! So much so that the other day...she came to Tyler and I saying that she decided she needs to be a Vegan. I looked at her like WHAT?! ha!
She goes, I want to be a Vet so I can not eat the animals that I want to take care of! So, you know...she has a small and good little point but we both talked to her and now she has realized she doesnt have to be a Vegan to be one! ha! :)
I am excited to see what she really decides to grow up and be! Maybe it will actually be a Vet one day!

3.She is taking a new dance class this year! Dance starts back this week and she is so excited to be in Hip Hop! I cant wait to see her little body doing Hip Hop! She is also LOVING cheer right now too! Cant wait to see her grow in both dance and cheer this coming up year as they are both now in full force!

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