Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Let's DO this!

Today marked the 1st day of 6th and 2nd grade!

They have, actually, been super excited and ready for school to start! They both love school and all the things that come with it............such as being with their friends! :) {Of course that is the most important!} :)

I pray they have another great year of growing and learning! I cant wait to see them shine this year!

THIS cracks me up! She has had this note for literally 2 weeks {if not more} on her dresser! Her 'first day of school outfit!'
The outfit, though, has changed about 10 times....but the note has stayed on top of each change! :)
OH, I love this girl...and her crayon shirt! :)
Let's DO this! Here she comes 2nd grade! She is SO beyond excited that Elyse, Lauren and Reese are in her class this year! OH, those sweet girls together makes me happy! And...not to mention...Bennett! :)
She was SO excited! She was not nervous at all!
She picked out her bookbag at the beach and could not wait to use it!
Love this girl!
Here's to a great year!
This is the best....only one...I could get of her! My Elementary Senior! Cant believe this is her last year before she is in High school! WHERE has the time gone?!?!
She said she was nervous this morning about remembering 'how to do school.' ha! I told her that she would be just fine and it would all come back to her! :) :)
Catching the bus this morning! They were most excited about this and super excited because pretty much every friend in our neighborhood rides so it was one big party! :)
My little heading off!
I snapped this to send to his Mom! Sweet Christian caught the bus with them! I sure do hope Alexis likes him one day! :) ha!
And...OH...we love Mrs. Nelson! She sent me a picture! OH, I love!
Then she sent a picture of their Science experiment time! Did I mention I love Mrs. Nelson! :)
They both came home and said they had the best day! Makes my heart happy!
Alexis came home and told me alllll about who were in each class and alllll about her new schedule! Im excited for her!
Lily came home saying she loved meeting new friends today!

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