Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Can you keep up....with Soccer?!?!


stay focused...

let me explain...

try and follow....

the kitten's name has changed.



I told Lily that there is no more name changes for the sweet kitten! :)


meet Soccer!

And...I actually LOVE the name! :)

This morning...the kitten was doing some really awesome skills with the yarn ball we have for him and Lily goes... 'He is so good at soccer!' Then...it was 'I like Soccer as his name!'

Alexis and I agreed and it stuck!

Lily loves the name because she said it is her favorite sport and also because he is good at it too! :)

So today was my last day of work hiatus due to the flu so I got to enjoy the day with Soccer and it was the best!

This kitten has SOOO much energy! He will go 90 to nothing for a straight....good...30 minutes...just NON stop...running around...playing with this...playing with that.
Then he will start 'whining' {this whine meow, I call it} and then find a spot and take a cat nap! ha!

I set this area up under the kitchen table and it has been Heaven for him! He has played and played over there!
Between the ball....and the tassels it is awesome for him! :)
Wearing himself out!
Climbing and playing!
I had to put the beach towels down to block the ball from rolling away! ha! GENIUS! :)
But...it is still a good place to lay and play too with the towels! :)
He is a perfect addition to our family!
We love you Soccer! :)

Monday, February 24, 2020

King Ted...today's Royal Reader!

Pawpaw came to Lily's class today to read to them! Lily was SO excited to have them and have Nan come listen!

King Ted!
He read the story of the Three Little Pigs!
And Princess Lily!

How's it going?!?

So how's it going over here in the Law home?!


today was just what the doctor ordered.

It was a rainy and yucky Monday and because the doctor ordered me to stay home...

that is exactly what I did!

It was glorious!

I did pretty much nothing but nap...relax..soak up TV time....and cuddle with the sweetest kitten there is!

Tyler stayed out too and he did the exact same thing! :)

We are both feeling better...

Oreo..who is now named Shadow....is warming up to Aubie pretty well....

so I call today a win!

So, this is how last night went.... a WHOLE lot of looking and trying to figure each other out!
Then today...THIS!
THIS picture cracks me up! Look at Aubie's face! OH, I laugh so hard looking at it! He literally sat JUST like that...with that exact face...for about 30 minutes today! Shadow...{though I called him Oreo allll day because Lily didnt tell us she decided on Shadow until she got home from school} just sat there looking back at Aubie! :)
Then Shadow went for it! He was dying to make Aubie his friend!
And loooook! He did exactly that! They laid under the table together ...and napped for the longest! It was the sweetest!
I did a bunch of this with this adorable little thing in my lap!
And...he napped more!
I am smitten with this kitten! :) :)


OHHH...this melts my heart!

Look at these two sweet girls who were both BEYOND surprised at their new kittens...and who both became instantly in love!

Circa 2014...Alexis' 6th birthday!

And...look at baby Aubie!

And....Circa 2020...Lily's belated Christmas gift due to a bad decision! :) haha!
Look at baby Shadow.....
his name has been changed to Shadow instead of Oreo! :)

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Meet Oreo!


I had to redeem myself from the horrible guinea pig experience...


when a co-worker of mine showed me some pictures of the most adorable kittens because she was getting her two sons one...

I looked...

and FOUND one that just melted my heart!

So today was the day that he was ready to join our family!

To say Lily was BEYOND surprised and just sooo excited is an understatement!

The name has changed 10,000 times so far...

but as of now...it is Oreo.

He has a little bit of black on his tail so....it fits! :)

He is so calm and happy and wants to be friends SO bad with Aubie!


he will adjust and they will be friends in no time! I just know it!

Welcome to the family!........And....we wont be taking him back! :)

Her surprise! Her happiness....ALL of it! So happy!
Oreo and his Mommy!
When I got home..Lily and Hope were over so they got to meet him. I had to send them home because with me being sick....they needed to go :(
Meet Oreo! He was born in December so he is a such little baby!
We are all smitten!

Saturday, February 22, 2020

My little man!

Grey...is 2!

Well, he will be two this week but today....we celebrated him!

He is just the absolute sweetest little guy!

He has my heart!

He said my name for the 1st time today! Ohhh!!!...made me sooo happy!
The birthday dude! :)
 He LOVED the gift we got him! This fun rug and some cars to drive them around!
 He drove them allll around the roads!
 They are the bestest of buds! They played and played with each other!

I had to sit away...and wear a mask because I am sick and feel like death!.....but he didnt seem tooo scared of me! ha!
 Happy birthday to you!
 And....I got this sweet picture of Courtney as she was at the school Friday! Love getting pictures like this!

Can NOT believe it!

Just like that!

Their 1st.....and their last!

Circa 2014!
Circa 2020!
My goodness...time....is a thief!

Daddy/Daughter dance 2020!

The girl's most favorite time!

The Daddy/Daughter dance was last night!

Alexis' last dance!

CRAZY...just CRAZY to me!

They had a blast....dancing some with Daddy but mostly running around and having fun with their friends! :)

She is just grown. Grown!
She is flying up too! Crazy!
Two girls ready to dance and have fun!
Love her outfit...that for the record....I picked out! She says I have no style...yeeeaaahhh okay! :)
Daddy with his girls!
My two beauties!
Daddy and his smallest! :)
Such a good picture!
Yep...just grown!
Yeah...so....NOT surprising....Tyler took zero pictures. Luckily there were some Dad's there that were thought to snap some...and send them to me!
This fun group had fun together!
Lily LOVES Alexis' friends!.............and they love her! :)

Friday, February 21, 2020

Just call him!....

Just call him Mr. Johnny Appleseed!

If you dont know...Tyler is a jack of allllll trades! He can fix, rig, design, implement....you name it......anything!

It is of no surprise to me that he was awarded the Johnny Appleseed award at Arbor day yesterday! Super proud of him!

Despite being sick....despite the rain...despite the coooollldd.....he spoke and pulled the program off perfectly!

To the right of the tent that he is under.....is the tree that was planted in honor of this year's Arbor day! It is a perfect spot and one day it will be a huge and beautiful asset to the University!
Super surprised! He said he had a feeling....he might be getting it...because of me! He said...the only reason you stood out in the cold and rain was for a reason....
He couldnt have been MORE correct! :)
He never toots his own horn so for him to be recognized is big! Mayor Smith was super proud of him too! :)
So proud!
Great job!
The program! Each year Tyler collaborates with the JSU Art department to have the students design that year's 'theme.' The student who won did this design!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wordless Wednesday!

This is just so powerful! Having God's light shine through you with all you do, say, etc!

Sunday, February 16, 2020

A girl's day!

To celebrate how hard Alexis had been working between 4 tests in the same week she had cheer try-outs....

us girls took off to Birmingham for some shopping and a fun dinner.......full of fun girl time once we dropped Lily {big Lily} and Savannah off and Cassell and Misty left.

I was super exhausted but it was just what we needed!

Sydney came with us and we spent the afternoon finding the perfect Daddy/Daughter dance outfits before heading to CowFish to eat dinner!

Perfection of a fun Saturday!

This chick shopped hard!
These two had so much fun trying on dresses and 'hanging' out together!
Sweet friends!
The other side of the table! Lilybug and me! :)
Today was filled with catching up on what seemed like 10,000 posts .....laundry...rest...Church and gearing up for the next week!
Whew! :)