Monday, February 3, 2020

JR. Miss Golden Eagle pageant

Alexis was in the high school pageant portion this year!


I just cant believe the fact that she was and the fact that she is just growing up SO fast!

She competed against 7th and 8th graders!


Telling Mrs. Sarah exactly how she wants it! This is not afraid to voice her thoughts! :)
Her 1st time wearing white! She wasnt too happy with this dress but it looked beautiful on her!
Just growing up!
The back view!
Alexis...and Alexis!
Just shining!
Her best walk she has done! She looked so confident and relaxed up there!
She did SO good!
All the beautiful girls! There were alot in her group and it just wasnt her time to win this year but Im so proud of her getting up there and giving it her best! She handled it very gracefully, too, with not placing. One super Momma am I!
She had a huge fan base too!
The 6th graders represented! They all had the best time dancing and 'hanging' out with each other in between the pageant and getting ready for the awards while the DJ played! It is a fun and great group of kiddos!
We didnt get home until around 9:30pm so to say we had been doing it allll day...was true! I was exhausted! 9 to 9...whew!...but helping my girls do something they love and watching them worth it!

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