Monday, February 24, 2020

How's it going?!?

So how's it going over here in the Law home?!


today was just what the doctor ordered.

It was a rainy and yucky Monday and because the doctor ordered me to stay home...

that is exactly what I did!

It was glorious!

I did pretty much nothing but nap...relax..soak up TV time....and cuddle with the sweetest kitten there is!

Tyler stayed out too and he did the exact same thing! :)

We are both feeling better...

Oreo..who is now named warming up to Aubie pretty well....

so I call today a win!

So, this is how last night went.... a WHOLE lot of looking and trying to figure each other out!
Then today...THIS!
THIS picture cracks me up! Look at Aubie's face! OH, I laugh so hard looking at it! He literally sat JUST like that...with that exact face...for about 30 minutes today! Shadow...{though I called him Oreo allll day because Lily didnt tell us she decided on Shadow until she got home from school} just sat there looking back at Aubie! :)
Then Shadow went for it! He was dying to make Aubie his friend!
And loooook! He did exactly that! They laid under the table together ...and napped for the longest! It was the sweetest!
I did a bunch of this with this adorable little thing in my lap!
And...he napped more!
I am smitten with this kitten! :) :)

1 comment:

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