Sunday, February 16, 2020

She made it!

SO...the rest of the story!

We got home and had to wait until after 8:30pm to find out the results!

So, Lex literally came home and was so wired up that she just could not sit down! She was on top of the world! She said she nailed her standing back handspring and her round-off back handspring too!

She just could  NOT wait to get back to the school!

So...the time finally came and we headed down!

There was NO doubt in my mind that number 7 would be showing!

Some of the happy girls all met up at Cookout to celebrate with a late night milk shake!

A perfection of a night!

These two were twins this week! Attached at the hip! They encouraged each other, critiqued each other, work SO hard with each other and celebrated making it together too!
LOVE these two!
This fun group was ready to give it there all!
Reese, Caroline, Lex, Sydney, Dailyn and Lily.
I am soooooo sad that Caroline didnt make it. My hearts is sad for her!
Time came! Look at these Jr. Varsity cheerleaders!
Savannah, Reese, Lex and Lauren!
These two have been sweet friends waaaayyyy back when I coached them in 1st and 2nd grade! CRAZY to me at how grown they are now! Sweet Dailyn!
LET'S celebrate! These three spent the night at our house after the fun...and to celebrate more!
To be totally honest..................

I have NO idea what they did once we were home! I went straight to BED and was dead to the world! I have NO idea how they had any energy to stay up....but I know they had a blast together!
So happy!
These girls are going to have such a fun season and I can't wait to watch them all!

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