Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Can you keep up....with Soccer?!?!


stay focused...

let me explain...

try and follow....

the kitten's name has changed.



I told Lily that there is no more name changes for the sweet kitten! :)


meet Soccer!

And...I actually LOVE the name! :)

This morning...the kitten was doing some really awesome skills with the yarn ball we have for him and Lily goes... 'He is so good at soccer!' Then...it was 'I like Soccer as his name!'

Alexis and I agreed and it stuck!

Lily loves the name because she said it is her favorite sport and also because he is good at it too! :)

So today was my last day of work hiatus due to the flu so I got to enjoy the day with Soccer and it was the best!

This kitten has SOOO much energy! He will go 90 to nothing for a straight....good...30 minutes...just NON stop...running around...playing with this...playing with that.
Then he will start 'whining' {this whine meow, I call it} and then find a spot and take a cat nap! ha!

I set this area up under the kitchen table and it has been Heaven for him! He has played and played over there!
Between the ball....and the tassels it is awesome for him! :)
Wearing himself out!
Climbing and playing!
I had to put the beach towels down to block the ball from rolling away! ha! GENIUS! :)
But...it is still a good place to lay and play too with the towels! :)
He is a perfect addition to our family!
We love you Soccer! :)

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