Sunday, February 16, 2020


We have ourselves a Jr. Varsity CHEER leader in the house!

OH....leading up to this girl WORKED her TAIL off!

I am SO beyond proud of her hard work, drive, determination, passion, want, skill, enthusiasm, and love of doing her best!

She was soooo nervous leading up to try-outs Friday. She went from cheer clinic, every night, to Mrs. Harper's house to eat and go over what they had learned with some other hopeful cheerleaders before coming home and working with a JSU cheerleader with Lily {big Lily}.

So, to say she was prepped and ready! She was! That didnt stop the nerves...but I knew...she was going to be just fine!

She shined when she did her chant, cheer and dance.

She popped her head when she needed to, she was SO sharp with her motions and she had her 'cheer' voice and words to it all down perfectly every time I saw her practicing!

So, Friday night came....

and she was ready!

So, she got home from school and immediately started getting ready as she had to be there at 5:30pm.
She had Lily {big Lily} over with her to get ready, eat a light dinner and help ease the nerves before heading down.
I dropped both of them off and off they went to shine!

I had strict instructions to hang around as it was supposed to go 'quickly' and the hopeful cheerleader was to leave right after she was finished trying out.

Well, Lex was number 7. took longer than I expected {maybe because my nerves were in my stomach for her} but finally, I saw her running out to find my car.

As soon as she saw my car, she came running in.
Once that door closed. She just started bawling crying.
It was HUGE happy tears.
Tears of relief, tiredness from the very long week, nervousness, being so proud of herself, excited she was done, just everything flooded out of her all at once.
I leaned back and gave her a huge hug and I could just feel the weight of the world just fall off of her right then and there as I squeezed her.
At that exact was what it is to be a Mother.

I dont know what I have done to deserve to have God choose me to be her Momma and Lord knows, I feel like a fail 98% of the time....but in that moment....all she needed was my hug and in some crazy way, I felt....I'm doing something right and raising a beautiful daughter!

I am thankful and blessed to call her my daughter.

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