Sunday, January 31, 2021

Hey...its the weekend!

 I counted down the days to this weekend! Long week so super ready for the weekend!

Yesterday was a somewhat nice weathered day as it wasnt too cold outside so we soaked some outside time in! Alexis was gone the whole day....prepping for Carli's 13th birthday party that was yesterday night. I guess there were a whole lot of things to 'help' do! Who knows! So Tyler, Lily and I enjoyed our day full of outside fun, Tenzi fun, and family game night fun!

These two. They curled the watch a movie...and eat popcorn. Callie did not end up spending the night. She ended up wanting to go home but they had fun 'hanging out' before she went home around 9!

Saturday....found this guy living his best life! He has no idea I took this picture! bahaha! :)

This girl worked all Saturday trying to perfect her cartwheel!...with one hand! She was flipping and flopping the whole afternoon!

Carli is 13!

This big crew headed to The Alley in Gadsden! They all had a blast! I decided not to go because Lily wanted to have a family game night at home so this crew missed out on me chaperoning! :)
Cant believe alllll these kiddos are turning 13 at some point this year! Just crazy!

Sunday we went to Church and enjoyed a great temperature day until it started thunderstorming. We have started a Sunday supper club with the Messers so we enjoyed dinner at their house to kick off the week!

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