Thursday, January 28, 2021

Soaking up the last days....

 Today was a 'fun day' and even though it was chilly was a beautiful day and we for sure made it fun!

The girl's idea of a 'fun day' literally consists of lunch {somewhere 'fun'} and a trip to Starbucks!


So, I have to that is a win-win for me!.....and we dont go to Starbucks unless they have a gift card or their own for me also because I can accomplish the 'fun day' mission without little effort on my part! :)

We did some shopping around town before heading back and cracking down on school work! Fridays are considered the 'free' day for school work so today marked the LAST blended school DAY!


They go back to school.....FULL TIME....Monday! WHOOP WHOOP!

Pray it lasts...we shall see....but....

it is happening and we all are excited!

Tomorrow Daddy and the girls are going to have a 'fun day!'

Let's see if he can top my day! :)

A big thanks to Nan....and Pawpaw for the extra homework help...during the blended days. We would not have survived without them coming over and holding down the crazy fort!

Here's to getting a little closer to BACK TO NORMAL!

Starbucks...and Target for the win! They know exactly what they want...and how to order...every.single.time.they.go. I have NO idea what half the things they name off and say while placing their orders {because I dont drink any of that and do NOT know the lingo} sooo....

they do their thing and are super happy to do it!

Came home to some laundry....and school work of my own before heading to pick up other cheerleaders and then to drop them off at their final game of the season. Meanwhile...this one did this the entire rest of the afternoon! She was pumped to pick out these 'cool' Valentines at Hobby Lobby so she worked hard making them for all of her friends! Then she also decided to decorate herself!

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