Wednesday, January 6, 2021 day school day!


only one day of school this person school that is....

as school is back in session after Christmas break and the school district decided to go blended for the 1st two weeks....

So my two go on Monday and Wednesdays and since school didnt start back until Tuesday....

mine are only in person one day.

They both were excited to go today and both were up and getting ready at 5:40am doing it!

 First one out the door this morning! She was dressed complete with her '1st day back outfit' {please note.............instead of finishing her virtual schoolwork the night before...........she was googling 'cute back to school outfits' Insert head to face here...from me!} :)

This was the outfit she settled on.................and she has loved her new hair curler so her hair was 'perfection' per her!

 This one was up and ready too! She picked out her complete outfit as well...and told me specifically how to fix her hair.............and decided she wanted to wear earrings today too!

 Ready to go to school! Even Callie was pumped and excited to show off her new sweater and shoes that she got from Christmas and what she chose as her first day attire!

I surprised both of them to Chick Fila {they had to eat in the car on the way and then took the rest into school...though both of them were saying they were going to get in trouble for bringing food in....} to eat since it was the first day back!

Today is my 3rd day back to the groove....and I like it when I have some days like I have been to gear up before my girls....................and all my students start back because that is when all the 'crazy' happens!

Here we go 2021............let's see how it goes!

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