Thursday, January 28, 2021

Times have changed....yet some things never change....

 Alexis had her last game of the season at Saks this afternoon since they hosted the County tournament and the 9th grade boys made it to the second round. 

Since I was not able to go in....I did a little 'trip down memory lane' while she was cheering.

It has been a couple of years since I have driven down and through the old roads from which I used to fly down and around when I was a teenager. 

It was like riding a bike. Some things just never change. The roads were allllll the same. The same dips, the same curves. There is this one road...where it was the same...always takes my stomach every time. It did it today too.

It was like second nature to just drive and feel how I was imagining driving back to my 'old home' that I grew up in. 

The last time I drove by my childhood home it was really sad because it looked abandoned and looked like it was somewhat falling apart because no one was living in it. It made my heart smile to see that this I drove by about 5 times {checking everything out} that it looked good. It actually looked loved this time. Though some of the siding needing cleaning, it looked like new siding. There was a car parked in the driveway...the same spot my Dad used to park his truck. I drove around to the back road and looked out into the back yard and the decking and the pool is now gone. The tree where I used to have my rope swing was gone. I still envisioned where my playhouse was. Where the swing set was. Where my Dad's building was. The extra lot that my Dad always made sure stayed clear and the grass cut...where he poured the concrete and put the basketball goal is nothing but a wooded and grown up area. My Dad would not be happy about seeing that but overall, seeing the house look like it was in much better shape and being lived in made my heart happy. 

I wanted to go in and look at how it was on the inside....but I wasn't going to do that of course....and wouldnt want to...either..because I probably would regret it, but nonetheless.......times have changed....but.....

some things never change and memories and emotions swept me.

My old stomping ground! Per Reese...she said thank you for giving her a 'History lesson' of how I went to school at Saks and cheered in the same bleachers that they were about to cheer in as I took them! ha!

The school has had a facelift and it looks really good. Though the school has changed, it still felt like 'my school!' :)

The boys lost to White Plains so they are out of the tournament. These two have enjoyed their season! Here's to the next season starting soon! Try-outs are right around the corner!

 My childhood home. It made me smile.

The lot that used to be so open and is nothing but grown up and sad. I wish we still owned this piece...

It was a good feeling to drive around Bryan Ave and all through all the streets that was 'home.'

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