Sunday, January 24, 2021

Our weekend

 Very low key....

that was the goal!

Our 1st 'major' weekend to see how our assignments/discussion boards are going to go....was a success. We had no plans this weekend except to hit school work and Tyler and I accomplished our goal! 

Alexis had basketball, the County tournament so we dropped her off and she enjoyed being with her friends and cheering the 9th grade boys on to a win! They beat Alexandria so they move on to round 2 Thursday to compete for the title! 

 She hasnt worn this uniform very much due to several games, etc has been cancelled so I snapped a picture before they headed out because I like this one on her!

We had dinner and game night with several families later Saturday night....all in our pjs! Talk about casual and we had an early night so it was perfection to head straight to bed too!

My Valentine before Church this morning!

She is growing up soooo fast!

My view this afternoon as I did school work! Can you spy 3 girls....and a very lazy girl cat!?!? :) I wish I got to take a nap like Tickles was.....she looked soooo comfy! ha! It was a beautiful day and the most perfect weather to enjoy being outside! These girls played and played {and Alexis and WK} before coming in to it starting to rain. Tyler got fresh mulch and pine straw out and we enjoyed the day cleaning up and vacuuming out cars too! It was a great low key....and successful schoolwork weekend!

I just love our trampoline! I have said it before but it is soooo worth repeating! Our girls....and their friends...have solved the world's problems out there on that trampoline! They have done everything under the sun on it including dance competitions, cheer routines, karate matches, made up games, laughed so loud, sang, been super silly, made secrets, and so much more....and just like this picture...just sat and had some good ole conversations! 

One of my favorite things is to look out the window and see my view of what is happening on the trampoline! :)

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