Monday, January 11, 2021 how I feel! The weekends go by WAY too fast and then blink, here is Monday!

Today is Monday.

My school/classes start back tomorrow. My students/Nursing starts back tomorrow. My girls had school today. They are still blended. Go back Wednesday so trying to juggle that too. Whew! all there is!

Still in a pandemic. Still trying to figure out how we are going to make Clinicals, class, etc work for alllll these students. 


Here we go! All tomorrow!

Today is Monday....I tell ya!

Prayers appreciated for us all to survive this semester!

We did have a great weekend! Didnt do much but did have game night at the Sorianos and then Lily spent yesterday afternoon playing at the Messers. Caught up on laundry and did some relaxing and grilling. It was good and slow paced to gear up for this busy week!

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