Saturday, April 30, 2022

Going back in time!

 After Lily's soccer game we enjoyed lunch and then headed to Fiedlers Green to watch the Civil War Reenactment. 

Fiedlers Green is just beautiful and I had never seen a reenactment and it is just crazy to think that what we saw was real life back in the past. To think you are in your home...trying to take care of your family while there is a battle happening right on your land.

Just unbelievable. 

It felt like we were back in time, today, as we relived our History.

Walking up to the beautiful home!

Yeah...Alexis said she was hot......I made sure to point out to her....that THIS was the attire for girls back in those times. Yeah...I think this girl was hotter!

Even has a mercantile shop! The people sat out on the front porch. Everything seemed so real!

I love the little Church! There were tents with all sorts of things to purchase!

It was fun looking at everything!

Even this house had a 'family' sitting around! They were even acting like she was cooking a peach was really neat!

All of a sudden....the battle began! 

Facing up with each other. It is hard for me to think this is how battles were fought. To just stand there and know you are more than likely going to die. 

It was so real!

Today....confederates won! We spent time with Aunt Pam and Richard enjoying the afternoon! It was a great way to end the day!

Soccer Saturday!

 It was a beautiful day today! The breeze and weather were perfection!

We enjoyed watching Lily play as her season is winding down!

Such a pretty day for some soccer!

In action!

About last night

 Tyler and I got dressed up last night and had a great time just us!

We were invited to the Maskers Ball by the Messers and we enjoyed the show and dinner!

The girls had a fun evening with Nan and Pawpaw, too, so it was nice for all.

I think we cleaned up really well!

My handsome date!

My favorite!

The decor was really nice!

Emily did a great job! I know she practiced and practiced with her group! I really didnt understand what it was all about. I know this ball dates back to decades of this event so the groups doing the performances is a tradition so that helped with why they did it but they werent judged or anything so it was kind of funny to me! Emily group did the best in my opinion!

We all clean up well! Great time with them.

Enjoyed the night with Emily's sister too!

Friday, April 29, 2022

Lily's last field trip as a 4th grader

 Lily has had such a great 4th grade year!

Coming out of COVID....being virtual a good had me nervous for her to move into 4th.

She has thrived!

She was excited about her field trip to see the Little Mermaid today!

Her sweet teacher sent me this picture!

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Leader day!

 Lily had 'Leader day' today at school!

Kittystone had special people at the school to go around asking students how they are leaders.

Lily was so excited to tell them about all the special jobs and roles that she does for her teachers. 

The biggest role she has is making sure all the desks are wiped off, the classroom is straightened up and the floors are swept. 

She takes pride in it.

Her teacher, Mrs. Smith, tells me all the time that Lily is 'little Miss Momma' and is such a great helper. That she can count on Lily for whatever she needs.

So proud of our little leader!

Family dinners

 I love our family dinners.

As many times during the week I cook and Lily sets the table. 

We sit around the table and tell about our day and enjoy eating together. It is a catch up time among our busy week that I love.

I cherish how Lily sets the table. She puts so much thought into each time. Something different each time. She'll add a candle. Or, she will add something for us to do. She will add a flower. 

Whatever it is....

I just love how little things make her heart shine!

She picked us all a flower and put it by our spot!

We played jazz music while we ate. Lily pulled her Alexa to the kitchen to play it. Everything she does is a little nice touch! :)

Well it has happened. She is taller! Target Mommy...complete!


I was wondering if it would happen. I figured it would.

Target Mommy from 6 months ago.....

officially has hit the mark.

I did think it was going to happen...cant believe it did....but she is officially taller than me! 

A little under a half not by much but YEP!

Talk about Lex being absolutely an understatement! 

Lily has grown the most over the last 6 months but the biggest key is....Lex!

Excited to see how much she has grown!

Results are in!

And Lex's turn!

HAPPY.....loving the fact that she is taller than me! Making sure I know she is taller than me! :)

Happy girl!

Monday, April 25, 2022

Academic awards for Lex!

 She works so hard and tonight she was honored for it during the Academic Awards program!

There was a pretty big group of kids but it ranged from 7th to 12th grade!

So proud to see her up on that stage!

Opening words

Proud to see all these 8th graders. Lex has a great group of classmates!

Alexis Law!

So proud!

Girl picture!

Her Daddy picture!

This girl! Love her!

Sunday, April 24, 2022

A soccer Saturday!

 This weekend has been just beautiful!

We soaked up the sun...and one or two of us even got some red/tan lines to prove it while we watched Lily do her thing!

They didnt win. That team....just they play and how big they are and how the team is stacked!

But........Lily had fun and loves it so that is what counts!

Getting ready!

Lily leading the warm-ups

She loves swishing her pony-tail around!

In the zone!

Focused and ready!

It was a warm one! I'll take warm over how it has been so cold.....any day!

We ended our Saturday with dinner for Tyler's birthday, and mine, at Tony's. SO good!
Today was filled with Church, me doing laundry, running errands, Lily playing with friends before a Church meeting tonight. A full day!

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Im 40!


I remember...distinctly....thinking...when I was younger...that 40 was OLD...and 50 was really OLD!

Gracious was I wrong! ha!

I dont 'feel' old at all!

I am 40! Just crazy to me that I am 'that age!' :)

I had a wonderful....amazing...perfect day with my main man!

We had the best day together!

I had NO idea what surprise he had in mind for me...and BOY was I shocked when we pulled up to the surprise!

I have talked....and talked about how I want to one day skydive. Well...NEVER thought Tyler would EVER want to do it because he doesnt even care much for roller coasters!


talk about a 40th birthday!

We skydived!

IT was AMAZING! No words!

It was nothing like I even thought to have in my mind! It was just beautiful and amazing and even Tyler said the same!

We will do it again! day! Not soon....but one day!

It's a 40th birthday day I will always remember!

We spent the rest of the day just enjoying being with each other. Had a beautiful lunch out by the water in Gadsden. Did some shopping and then home!


Between the yard sign surprise by Mom....all the texts, calls, etc from friends and family.....this girls feels very loved and can say her 40th birthday has been one for the books!

Such a fun surprise in our yard! Tyler and I both...apparently...dressed for it being in our yard! We matched with it all!

This is 40!

When your husband tells you nothing. Tells you to throw on a tshirt and leggings.....takes you down towards Piedmont....we end up somewhere in Georgia...going down a road like start getting really.......................really nervous wondering what 'surprise' does he have in store! haha!

NEVER thought THIS! Shocked! I joked...if I would have known...I would not have eaten the Jack's breakfast that we stopped and ate before! ha!
We were READY!
Yep! This is what I jumped out of! Amazing....I tell ya! The most perfect day to do skies...just amazing!
This guy! Awesome!

The most perfect spot to enjoy lunch!

Perfection...............OF A DAY!

Finished the perfect day with the perfect afternoon with this crew and all the birthday gear they could get their hands on at the Dollar tree next door! :) :) was SO good. I had this poor little mexican man looking so confused when he tried to put this on me! I, no! It goes on I pointed to Tyler who was sitting across from me! bahaha! Him and the singers shifted towards Tyler as the mexican man started putting the sombrero on him! I was dying!

Well....Tyler realized what was happening and starting saying no back...and pointing at me...that it all goes to me. Those mexican singers and man was so confused! So he stuck it on my head and Im pretty sure didnt care if it went to me or anyone else at that point. He just wanted to be done with the situation! :)