Sunday, April 17, 2022

5K and eggs!

 I made it! I did another 5k and I have to say...I love running. There is something about accomplishing it and knowing its done at the end! ha! :)

The girls spent the night with Nan and Pawpaw so I didnt have my sidekick, Lily, with me. In the past she has hung out at the end but I trekked through with Emily and we made great time! 36.13 minutes! I was impressed! And to know I really could have pushed myself more and had a better time makes me smile because I like better times too! :)

After the run, JSU had their Family Easter day filled with face painting, lunch provided and animals among more! The Easter egg hunt finished the day off! 

Lily went to play the rest of the afternoon with the Messers, Tyler grilled out and we just relaxed the rest of the day!

What was supposed to have been a nasty day turned out perfection!

The girls went with Nan and Pawpaw to their Church for their egg hunt before coming to the JSU event. Got this sweet picture of them with the twins!

My crew finding me after the run!

When you find your friends...and ice cream and matching face painting is on the agenda!

When Lily finds her friends and the same agenda is happening too!

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