Sunday, April 3, 2022

Early Easter and surprise 40th!

 We pulled up, yesterday, to Aunt Pam's and immediately Tyler and I both go............'hey, that's your Dad's/my Dad's car!' 

Then I thought...hhhmmm.....I dont think he has that rack on top.....

but then as we were getting out...

Lily comes running up to the car {because she got there earlier because she stayed with Gran after Grey's game} saying 'Nan wants me to wear these glasses.' I looked at her and mean 'Gran?' and she goes 'no, I said Nan.' 

So Tyler and I were all kinds of confused until we walked around the back to everyone shouting surprise to both of us!

It was really sweet and a gorgeous day for a cookout and to enjoy Easter and our birthday surprise early!

Yep 40, here we come!

Love this group!

Nannie informed me it has been so hard keeping it all a secret! I am not surprised she said that as much as she likes to talk! :)

Pam invited the Law crew to help celebrate us!

The sunburst is huge in this picture!

Happy birthday!
Then the Easter bunny made his....or her....grand entrance!

Happy Easter!

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