Saturday, April 23, 2022

Im 40!


I remember...distinctly....thinking...when I was younger...that 40 was OLD...and 50 was really OLD!

Gracious was I wrong! ha!

I dont 'feel' old at all!

I am 40! Just crazy to me that I am 'that age!' :)

I had a wonderful....amazing...perfect day with my main man!

We had the best day together!

I had NO idea what surprise he had in mind for me...and BOY was I shocked when we pulled up to the surprise!

I have talked....and talked about how I want to one day skydive. Well...NEVER thought Tyler would EVER want to do it because he doesnt even care much for roller coasters!


talk about a 40th birthday!

We skydived!

IT was AMAZING! No words!

It was nothing like I even thought to have in my mind! It was just beautiful and amazing and even Tyler said the same!

We will do it again! day! Not soon....but one day!

It's a 40th birthday day I will always remember!

We spent the rest of the day just enjoying being with each other. Had a beautiful lunch out by the water in Gadsden. Did some shopping and then home!


Between the yard sign surprise by Mom....all the texts, calls, etc from friends and family.....this girls feels very loved and can say her 40th birthday has been one for the books!

Such a fun surprise in our yard! Tyler and I both...apparently...dressed for it being in our yard! We matched with it all!

This is 40!

When your husband tells you nothing. Tells you to throw on a tshirt and leggings.....takes you down towards Piedmont....we end up somewhere in Georgia...going down a road like start getting really.......................really nervous wondering what 'surprise' does he have in store! haha!

NEVER thought THIS! Shocked! I joked...if I would have known...I would not have eaten the Jack's breakfast that we stopped and ate before! ha!
We were READY!
Yep! This is what I jumped out of! Amazing....I tell ya! The most perfect day to do skies...just amazing!
This guy! Awesome!

The most perfect spot to enjoy lunch!

Perfection...............OF A DAY!

Finished the perfect day with the perfect afternoon with this crew and all the birthday gear they could get their hands on at the Dollar tree next door! :) :) was SO good. I had this poor little mexican man looking so confused when he tried to put this on me! I, no! It goes on I pointed to Tyler who was sitting across from me! bahaha! Him and the singers shifted towards Tyler as the mexican man started putting the sombrero on him! I was dying!

Well....Tyler realized what was happening and starting saying no back...and pointing at me...that it all goes to me. Those mexican singers and man was so confused! So he stuck it on my head and Im pretty sure didnt care if it went to me or anyone else at that point. He just wanted to be done with the situation! :)

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