Friday, April 1, 2022

My favorite month with some baseball!

 My favorite month is starting today!

Whooo hoooo!

I love all things April!

Back at it again this year to see who I can get. So far, no takers....but the day is still early! This prank last year!.............PRICELESS! {Pull my post from last year and read all about it! Golden!}

We ended the month of March....with Tyler and Lily going to soccer practice and Lex and I hit Piedmont for the baseball County tournament. The baseball season is over and we enjoyed watching and wished we would have gone to more games before the season was over.

Take a look. Notice this picture has Piedmont colors on the boys. Yeah...Lex was there watching that hind catcher standing by the umpire! Carson and Lex have been talking via calling and texting for a couple of months now. Well, he was sick and just life in general they havent met in 'real life' until last night. We went and watch his game, Piedmont vs Alexandria which was right before our Jacksonville boys played so it worked out that we got to watch both! 

Carson played so good! Alexis was excited to watch him. They didnt win but it was good to see him do well. She met his Mom and Dad, and I did as well after the game too!

Then we stayed for the Jacksonville game, they played Ohatchee. Carson came over and sat by us during that game. They both chatted and he showed her a good hit he got from his game that happened before we got there. Overall, it was so good to have Alexis actually meet him and speak to him in person! A friend took this picture and sent it to me. Alexis would die if she knew I have maybe she wont see this post until she reads in when she is like 30! ha! :) 

I have no idea if they will start 'dating' {I guess that is the term they use?!?} or what but hopefully Alexis will continue to be nice to him and friends though!

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