Monday, April 11, 2022

Our weekend!

 Our weekend was full of some chilly weather, sunshine and celebrating Brandi and Nan's birthdays!

On Sunday, after Church and lunch...the weather was perfect and both girls were outside the entire afternoon....until dark...playing with allll their friends. They both bounced from one house to the other and back again. 

Just the way I love it and it makes my heart smile that they have such a big group {both of them} to play and make fun memories with!

Enjoyed celebrating!

My view! Lily! She was at Madelyn's at first. Played with that group and had a sprinkler battle. Came home, went to Callies, then down to Ryker's. He couldnt play long so then Brody and Bryant came over and they played until dark!

Lex and WK. Played and rode bikes all afternoon. Bounced from WK's, to Carli's, swam in the pool {but too cold so didnt stay long in it} then to Ben's then this the rest of the time!

OH...and grill cover laying out {the black thing}...........yep....Tyler grilled! YUM!

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